Welcome back for my last undergraduate year!

I know that you all are thrilled to learn about my summer and the first few weeks back at UNC. By no means do I want to disappoint anyone but there has not been a lot going on during this summer. Sometimes we reach periods of our lives when we just have to work on ourselves and this is exactly what I did during the summer. Additionally, I worked on some Ph.D. applications (yes this is happening hopefully) and I continued my research. There have been small things going on such as organizing a UWC orientation camp, showing Jack around Budapest, going to an escape room, and spending some quality time with my family. Last but not least an unplanned visit to the dentist surprised me mid-summer and then weekly until I came back to UNC.
Speaking of which, by this point, you should know that it is always difficult for me to leave. This was not any different this time. However, after some tears at BUD airport, I began my travel. I thought that having only one stop in London would make it an easy one, but I could not have been more mistaken. I almost missed my flight. I had a feeling that I would get into some travel issues since I could not check in ahead of time but literally running to the gate and seeing the “gate is closed” sign was somewhat terrifying. After an 8-hour flight with Lucy, 2 movies, some sleep, and a Lyft drive I arrived at UNC. My old room welcomed me back. Then I unpacked, decorated, saw a bunch of friends, and got to experience how UNC’s campus came alive.
In the first two weeks, I experienced a lot. I had so much fun. It feels a bit like I am a freshman exploring college. I went to some welcome events, the first home football game, reunited with some UWC students, participated in an outside yoga class, and played volleyball just to mention a few things. I also visited Jordan Lake for the first time with International Friends, I went to a silent disco with my floormates, I and started rock climbing with Lucy and another friend.
To mention some academics as well I decided to drop one of my classes and therefore I am only taking 13 credit hours this semester. This may seem really easy, but I am sure that Neuroscience will have no mercy on me. Finally, I had some meetings with my professors about independent research and graduate school. It is already stressful to think about how the next chapter of my life (whatever it will end up being) is approaching rather quickly.