It has been a while since I have reflected on all the things going on. At least it appears to be a while when you look at the calendar. At the same time, I am noticing that time flies. It is really true that the older I get the faster time passes. We all know this is impossible but this is really how it feels. I just got back to the states a few weeks ago and now the semester is almost done. A lot has been going on lately and I think this is a great time to recap.
I went through a somewhat time-consuming training for the research I am doing, and ever since that, I seem to dedicate most of my free time to staring at MRI pictures of brains and editing masks. Lucky I am that I enjoy brains, but it can get tiring and never-ending sometimes. More than that I have been doing all the school work uni requires. This semester is pretty workload heavy and I am somewhat worried that I will not do as great as usual, but I am trying my best. It has been stressful trying to figure out post-graduation plans. Even though there is one more year to go, Ph.D. program application deadlines are quickly approaching, not even mentioning medical schools (which I still have not decided if I will apply to or not).
It is somewhat difficult to be optimistic considering all the problems going on in the world. All countries have their difficulties, but now with the increasing global conflicts, and the never-ending COVID pandemic, every day seems a bit miserable. I still try to find the little moments of joy. A friend and I went to a state park in North Carolina, which was truly one of the most beautiful places I have seen. We saw a sea of flowers, a beautiful sunset, and personally, I felt so calm that I never wanted to leave that place. I also got a chance to see the stars from a huge field, and at that time the freezing cold did not bother me at all.
Speaking of cold. This week was spring break during which Sophie, Lucy, and I went to Ashville for a few days. We got some sunshine but it did not help the fact that it was –9 °C. We planned to hike, but most of the roads were blocked so we could not get to the trails. At the end of the day, we were exploring a little path covered with snow, and icicles hanging from the nearby rocks. Once again, I could forget about all the problems and stress. We also saw Ashville downtown and on our way to Ashville, we stopped in Charlotte where we met with Miranda (from UWCT). I was so excited and happy to see my high school friend after 3 years. It felt like we never parted but saying goodbye was not easy.
This semester has been challenging for many people I know and occasionally it has been really difficult for me as well. At the same time, I feel really happy and grateful for all of the people around me and all of the experiences I have had so far. Beating DUKE, rushing Franklin Street, trying to figure out Philosophy, having a Matrix watch party, playing volleyball, playing basketball, going for short hikes, playing the piano, and planning a trip to Florida are just a few small things that have made this semester probably the best one so far. I think coming to UNC was one of the best decisions I have made.