This time I am not here to give you the usual reflection kind of post. I would like to share with you the happenings of the last weekend. Friday night we went rock climbing with a few friends. Well, this was the most “usual” part, since in the past few weeks we became somewhat addicted. After climbing a few routes, and some unsuccessful attempts at bouldering Lucy, Bao, Jack and I went to a rugby game to support a UWC friend. Even though some of us had no idea how this game is played we had a great time.
When I returned to my dorm I realized that a lot of my floormates decided to socialize. After joining them I got to experience how “proper” karaoke and Just Dance are done among very mature college students. I had a wonderful time and I ended up going to bed quite late (aka early) disregarding the fact that I needed to wake up early on Saturday.
So what happened Saturday? Bao and I drove to Williamsburg Virginia to visit Bush Gardens. I have long wanted to go there and I was not at all disappointed. We got to see a Haloween themed amusement park and we could try some crazy rollercoasters. After a few hours spent in lines, trying some “German” food, being scared to death by “local zombies”, and getting lost between Italy and Bavaria parking lots we headed to Richmond.
In Richmond Miranda (from UWCT) waited for us. We went out for dinner to a small restaurant where I tried Vietnamese food. Later that night we fixed a bunch of things in Miranda’s room and turned the place into a middle school sleepover party. Sleeping on the floor brought back some camping memories, and raised the question in my mind again: How is it possible that I am the only person who is always cold, regardless of sleeping in a hoodie with two blankets? If you happen to know an answer to this question please let me know!
Sunday was just as amazing as Saturday. We walked around Richmond University, Richmond downtown, and VCU. We spent some time (and money) in a bubble tea place and an incredible art supply shop. Eventually, we headed to Ashland where we saw Reham (also from UWCT). After three years I finally got to see her. (For this I am unexplainably grateful for Bao). I will never ever forget the moment when she just ran into the bathroom, scaring me to death another time, and gave me the biggest hug. I have to say I almost cried… Afterward, we ate the best fries I ever encountered and we took another college, tour this time at Randolph-Macon College. I had to realize that all of these places are so unique and pretty. Ashland had a tiny train stop that just reminded me of Europe so much, and Richmond University had a beautiful lake that made the whole campus look like a Disney movie scene.
After a really sad goodbye, we got ready to head back to North Carolina. We drove through Gran Ellen (that according to me only has sheep) and dropped off Miranda at Richmond. Bao and I continued our trip. It was a very rainy and grey drive, but the raindrops running through the window kept me awake. I also spent a good amount of time trying to find a stable radio station but that was less successful than staying awake. I have to say this may have been one of the best weekends during college, but definitely during senior year.